Torch interface
PyTorch is a very general deep-learning framework within the Python ecosystem and one of the most popular approches to training neural networks. TorchANI is a PyTorch-based implementation of the ANI neural network potential for describing potential energy surfaces of molecular systems (and other properties). AIMNet2 is another even newer neural network potential, also implemented using PyTorch, capable of unprecedented accuracy for up to 14 chemical elements, support for charged systems and is capable of describing long-range interactions and dispersion. AIMNet2 paper:
ASH features a basic interface to PyTorch that furthermore supports both TorchANI and AIMNet2 neural network models, that allows easy use of pre-trained neural network potentials and even training of new models. This allows the use of such neural network potentials as any other theory-level within ASH.
Energies and gradients can be requested (just like a regular QM or MM theory) and so a valid TorchTheory object can be used for single-point energies, geometry optimizations, numerical frequencies, surface scans, NEB, molecular dynamics etc. within ASH. Even hybrid ONIOM and QM/MM calculations are possible (with some limitations).
TorchTheory class:
class TorchTheory():
def __init__(self, filename="", model_name=None, model_object=None,
model_file=None, printlevel=2, label="TorchTheory", numcores=1,
platform=None, train=False):
Keyword |
Type |
Default value |
Details |
string |
'' |
Filename used for PyTorch models when saving. |
string |
None |
Name of pretrained model to use. Options: 'AIMNet2','ANI1x', 'ANI2x', 'ANI1ccx' (requires TorchANI or AIMNet2) |
PyTorch NN model object |
None |
Read in a PyTorch model object directly. |
Name of Pytorch model-file to read in |
None |
Read in a PyTorch model from a file. |
string |
None |
Type of platform to use when training/running. Options: 'cpu', 'cuda', 'mps' (Apple Silicon) |
integer |
2 |
Printlevel |
string |
'TorchTheory' |
Label of TorchTheory object |
integer |
1 |
Number of cores. |
Boolean |
False |
Whether to create a TorchTheory object that will be used for training. |
Torch/TorchANI/AIMNet2 installation
PyTorch needs to be installed on your system to use TorchTheory. The easiest way to install PyTorch is via pip:
pip install torch
To use pre-trained ANI neural network potentials you need to install TorchANI. See TorchANI documentation and TorchANI repository Torchani can be installed via pip:
pip install torchani
To use AIMNet2 follow the installation instructions at We installed it like this in a conda environment where Pytorch and ASH had already been installed:
git clone
cd AIMNet2
python install
AIMNet2 Examples
Basic AIMNet2 example
It is easy to use the AIMNet2 neural network potential with TorchTheory. The available models are: 'AIMNet2', and it is available for elements: 'H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Cl', 'S', 'Si', 'B', 'P', 'Br', 'As', 'I', 'Se'
from ash import *
#H2O fragment
frag = Fragment(databasefile="", charge=0, mult=1)
# Create a TorchTheory object using the AIMNet2 neural network potential
theory = TorchTheory(model_name="AIMNet2", platform="cpu")
#Run a single-point energy+gradient calculation
#Optimizer,NumFreq, MolecularDynamics etc. should also work
result = Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag, Grad=True)
TorchANI Examples
Basic TorchANI example
A pretrained ANI-based model using the TorchANI library can easily be used as well. The available models are: 'ANI1x', 'ANI1ccx', 'ANI2x' and they are available for elements: 'H', 'C', 'N', 'O'
from ash import *
#H2O fragment
frag = Fragment(databasefile="", charge=0, mult=1)
# Create a TorchTheory object using the ANI2x neural network potential
theory = TorchTheory(model_name="ANI2x", platform="cpu")
#Run a single-point energy+gradient calculation
#Optimizer,NumFreq, MolecularDynamics etc. should also work
result = Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag, Grad=True)
Loading a pretrained model from file
It's also possible to load a neural-network potential from file. Here we show an example of this by loading the ANI1x model from a file (Pytorch .pt format). This file was generated by first creating a TorchTheory object like above and then calling the save_model method.
from ash import *
#H2O fragment
frag = Fragment(databasefile="", charge=0, mult=1)
# Create a TorchTheory object using the ANI1x neural network potential from a saved-file
theory = TorchTheory(model_file="")
#Run a single-point energy+gradient calculation
result = Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag, Grad=True)
Defining a new PyTorch model from scratch
Not yet ready