Workflow functionality

ASH includes a number of convenient built-in functionality to help the user carry out various multi-step workflows.

  • The page Singlepoint discusses various ways of performing singlepoint calculations with multiple fragments or multiple theories.

  • The page Highlevel workflows introduces high-level multistep workflows for doing CCSD(T)/CBS calculations

  • The page Workflow examples in ASH is a tutorial on how you can build your own workflows.

  • The page Specific workflows includes various highly specific workflows implemented in ASH.

  • The page CREST interface introduces an automatic conformation sampling + optimization + highlevel SP workflow.

This page documents the Reaction class, the ReactionEnergy function, thermochemprotocol_single and thermochemprotocol_reaction functions, and the calc_xyzfiles function

Reaction class

The Reaction class is a simple convenient ASH object to define a molecular reaction object that can be used as input in various multistep workflows.

class Reaction:
        def __init__(self, fragments, stoichiometry, label=None):

To create a Reaction object one first defines all molecular species of reaction as ASH fragments (with charge and multiplicity defined). The ASH fragments are collected in a list and a stoichiometry is defined (same order as list of fragments):


N2=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
H2=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
NH3=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
# List of species from reactant to product
specieslist=[N2, H2, NH3] #Use same order as stoichiometry
#Equation stoichiometry : negative integer for reactant, positive integer for product
# Example: N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3  reaction should be:  [-1,-3,2]
stoichiometry=[-1, -3, 2] #Use same order as specieslist
HB_reaction = Reaction(fragments=specieslist, stoichiometry=stoichiometry)
#Theory object
dft = ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput="! BP86 def2-SVP def2/J tightscf")
#Running a Singlepoint_reaction job that supports a Reaction object as input
Singlepoint_reaction(reaction=HB_reaction, theory=dft)

Job-types that can take a Reaction as inputobject:

  • Singlepoint_reaction (See Singlepoint)

  • thermochemprotocol_reaction (see below)


def ReactionEnergy(list_of_energies=None, stoichiometry=None, list_of_fragments=None, unit='kcal/mol',
        label=None, reference=None, silent=False):

ReactionEnergy options:



Default value



List of floats


List of energies as floats for reaction. Order must match stoichiometry list.


ASH Theory

list of integers

Integers for stoichiometry of the reaction. Order must match list_of_energies or list_of_fragments.


list of ASH Fragments


List of ASH fragments that must have a set energy attribute. Alternative to list_of_energies.




String for final unit to convert reaction energy to. Options: 'kcal/mol', 'eV', 'kJ/mol', 'cm-1', 'Eh', 'mEh', 'meV'.




If set, will print both energy and error w.r.t. reference.




Whether function prints to stdout (True) or not (False)

The simple ReactionEnergy function is a convenient way to calculate the reaction energy for a reaction from a list of energies and the stoichiometry associated with the reaction. The function prints to standard output the reaction energy (unless silent=True) and returns the relative energy converted into a unit of choice (default: kcal/mol).

Simple example for Haber-Bosch reaction: N2 + 3H2 → 2NH3

from ash import *

#Haber-Bosch reaction: N2 + 3H2 => 2NH3
N2=Fragment(diatomic="N2", bondlength=1.0975, charge=0, mult=1)
H2=Fragment(diatomic="H2", bondlength=0.741, charge=0, mult=1)
NH3=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
specieslist=[N2, H2, NH3] #An ordered list of ASH fragments.
stoichiometry=[-1, -3, 2] #Using same order as specieslist.
xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN1') # GFN1-xTB theory-level
energies = Singlepoint_fragments(theory=xtbcalc, fragments=specieslist) #Calculating list of energies

#Calculating reaction-energy using list and stoichiometry
reaction_energy, unused = ReactionEnergy(stoichiometry=stoichiometry, list_of_energies=energies, unit='kcal/mol', label='ΔE')
Reaction_energy(Δ):  -136.6723479900558 kcal/mol

If there is an energy attribute associated with each fragment it is also possible to just provide ReactionEnergy with a list of the fragments involved. This will only work if the energy attribute of the fragment has been defined. Some ASH functions will do this: Singlepoint, Singlepoint_fragments, geomeTRICOptimizer

#Calculating reaction-energy using list_of_fragments and stoichiometry
specieslist=[N2, H2, NH3]
reaction_energy, unused = ReactionEnergy(stoichiometry=stoichiometry, list_of_fragments=specieslist, unit='kcal/mol', label='ΔE')


The thermochemprotocol_reaction and thermochemprotocol_single functions can be used to perform a multi-step Opt+Freq+HL-single-point protocol on either a reaction or a single species.

The thermochemprotocol_reaction is used for chemical reactions by providing multiple theory level (for Opt+Freq and High-level singlepoint) and an ASH Reaction object.

def thermochemprotocol_reaction(Opt_theory=None, SP_theory=None, reaction=None, fraglist=None, stoichiometry=None, numcores=1, memory=5000,
                                        analyticHessian=True, temp=298.15, pressure=1.0, unit='kcal/mol'):

while thermochemprotocol_single is used for a single fragment (thermochemprotocol_reaction calls thermochemprotocol_single).

def thermochemprotocol_single(fragment=None, Opt_theory=None, SP_theory=None, orcadir=None, numcores=None, memory=5000,
                   analyticHessian=True, temp=298.15, pressure=1.0):

The reaction must first be defined for a list of defined fragments and stoichiometry, a theory object for Opt+Freq steps is defined (Opt_theory) and then a theory for the high-level single-point level is chosen (SP_theory). Can be any ASH Theory including ORCATheory, CC_CBS_Theory etc.

thermochemprotocol_reaction example:

from ash import *


N2=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
H2=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
NH3=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)

# List of species from reactant to product
specieslist=[N2, H2, NH3] #Use same order as stoichiometry
#Equation stoichiometry : negative integer for reactant, positive integer for product
# Example: N2 + 3H2 -> 2NH3  reaction should be:  [-1,-3,2]
stoichiometry=[-1, -3, 2] #Use same order as specieslist
#ASH reaction object
HB_reaction = Reaction(fragments=specieslist, stoichiometry=stoichiometry)

#Opt+Freq theory
B3LYP_opt=ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput="! B3LYP D3BJ def2-TZVP def2/J tightscf", numcores=numcores)
#HL theory
DLPNO_CC_calc = ORCA_CC_CBS_Theory(elements=["N", "H"], cardinals = [2,3], basisfamily="def2", DLPNO=True,
                                pnosetting='extrapolation', pnoextrapolation=[6,7], numcores=numcores)
#Alternative: Thermochemistry protocol on the whole N2 + 3 H2 => 2 NH3 reaction
thermochemprotocol_reaction(reaction=fraglist=HB_reaction, numcores=numcores, Opt_theory=B3LYP_opt,
                                                        SP_theory=DLPNO_CC_calc, unit='kcal/mol')

thermochemprotocol_single example:

from ash import *

N2=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
B3LYP_opt=ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput="! B3LYP D3BJ def2-TZVP def2/J tightscf", numcores=numcores)
DLPNO_CC_calc = ORCA_CC_CBS_Theory(elements=["N", "H"], cardinals = [2,3], basisfamily="def2", DLPNO=True,
                                pnosetting='extrapolation', pnoextrapolation=[6,7], numcores=1)
thermochemprotocol_single(fragment=N2, Opt_theory=B3LYP_opt, SP_theory=DLPNO_CC_calc)

calc_xyzfiles: Run calculations on a collection of XYZ-files

calc_xyzfiles is similar to Singlepoint_fragments (Singlepoint) but saves you the step of defining fragments manually if you already have XYZ-files collected in a directory.

def calc_xyzfiles(xyzdir=None, theory=None, Opt=False, Freq=False, charge=None, mult=None, xtb_preopt=False):

If you have a collection of XYZ-files that you wish to run calculations on (either single-point energy evalutation or geometry optimizations) then this can be easily accomplished using the calc_xyzfiles function. Charge and multiplicities for each XYZ-file need to be given in the description-line (2nd line) of each XYZ-file like this: example:

0 1
H 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cl 0.0 0.0 1.3

Alternatively, if all molecules are e.g. neutral singlets then one can give charge=0, mult=1 keyword arguments to calc_xyzfiles()

Example script:

from ash import *

#Directory of XYZ files. Can be full path or relative path (dir needs to be copied to scratch location in this case).
dir = '/home/bjornsson/FeCO4_N2/r2scan-opt/xyzfiles_temp'

#Defining theory.
ORCAcalc = ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput="! r2SCAN-3c", orcablocks="%scf maxiter 500 end", numcores=numcores)

#Call calc_xyzfiles giving xyzdir and theory.
#Geometry optimizations for each XYZ-file can be requested via Opt=True (default False, i.e. singlepoint)
calc_xyzfiles(xyzdir=dir, theory=ORCAcalc, Opt=True)

# Same but with an xTB pre-optimization (requires xtb to be installed)
#calc_xyzfiles(xyzdir=dir, theory=ORCAcalc, Opt=True, xtb_preopt=True)

The ASH script then runs through and gives a table at the end with the energies. In the case of Opt=True, a geometry optimization is performed for each molecule at the chosen theory-level instead of a singlepoint calculations and a final directory of XYZ-files with optimized coordinates is created.

XYZ-file             Charge     Mult           Energy(Eh)
----------------------------------------------------------------------                     0       2      -129.8755914784                1       1      -129.5232460574                     0       1        -1.1693816161                     0       1      -109.5070757384                    0       1     -2574.7361724856

XYZ-files with optimized coordinates can be found in: optimized_xyzfiles