MLatom interface
The MLatom program (see also XACS_MLatom documentation) is a program for AI/ML enchanced quantum chemistry, developed by Pavlo Dral's research group at Xiamen university.
Mlatom features various interfaces to machine-learning potentials and QM software and can be used for both training and prediction of molecular energies and properties. ASH features a basic interface to the MLatom Python API that allows direct use of various pre-trained models using the ML potentials supported by MLatom. Some basic training is also supported.
If a valid MLatomTheory object is created using a pretrained model or a model is correctly trained, an MLatomTheory object will behave like any other Theory level within ASH. That is: energies and gradients can be requested (just like a regular QM or MM theory) and so MLatomTheory can be used for single-point energies, geometry optimizations, numerical frequencies, surface scans, NEB , molecular dynamics etc. within ASH.
It is also possible to use ASH to provide training data (usually energies and gradients) to MLatom and to train a new ML model (even directly within ASH).
WARNING: As the interface to MLatom is new and MLatom is under rapid development, the interface may regularly change.
MLatomTheory class:
class MLatomTheory:
def __init__(self, method=None, ml_model=None, model_file=None, qm_program=None, ml_program=None,
printlevel=2, numcores=1, label="mlatom"):
Keyword |
Type |
Default value |
Details |
string |
None |
Name of pretrained method to. Options: 'AIQM1', 'AIQM1@DFT', 'AIQM1@DFT*', 'ANI-1ccx', 'ANI-1x', 'ANI-1x-D4', 'ANI-2x', 'ANI-2x-D4' |
string |
None |
Name of ML model to use. Options: 'ani', 'dpmd', 'gap', 'kreg', 'physnet', 'sgdml', 'mace'. |
string |
None |
Name of helper ML-program. Used by ml_model='kreg' (Options: 'KREG_API' and 'MLatomF') |
string |
None |
Name of QM-program that MLatom may use as part of the method (e.g. 'mndo' or 'sparrow'). |
string |
None |
Read in a model from a file. |
integer |
2 |
Printlevel |
string |
'mlatom' |
Label of MLatomTheory object |
integer |
1 |
Number of cores. |
MLatom installation
MLatom needs to be installed on your system. Installation instructions can be found at XACS Docs and MLatom docs. The easiest way to install mlatom is via pip:
pip install mlatom
Additionally, mlatom has a few optional (but mosty needed) dependencies:
pip install sgdml rmsd openbabel xgboost scikit-learn pyscf rmsd rdkit pandas ase fortranformat tensorflow geometric
Additional dependencies may be needed depending on the specific ML-model form to be used. See MLatom documentation and XACS-MLatom documentation for more information.
To use MLatom we need to choose to use either a method or a model (MLatom syntax).
A MLatom-method is a general pretrained ML model and is designed to be general and work outside the box (just like a DFT method). It is specified by the method keyword in the ASH interface (a string). Examples of methods are: 'AIQM1' and 'ANI-1x'.
A MLatom-model is a ML-model that needs to have a specified form can be kernel-based, neural-network based etc.) and needs to be trained or parameters loaded. It is specified by the ml_model keyword in the ASH interface.
MLatomTheory requires you to specify either a method or a ml_model when defining the object.
Pretrained AIQM1 method example
Since the AIQM1 model is built on top of a semiempirical QM method (ODM2), we also need to specify the semiempirical QM program that MLatom will use to define the ODM2 Hamiltonian. The options are: 'mndo' and 'sparrow' and these programs need to be separately installed on your system (and available in PATH).
from ash import *
frag = Fragment(databasefile="")
theory = MLatomTheory(method="AIQM1", qm_program="mndo")
Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag, Grad=True)
Pretrained ANI-1x method example
The ANI models (ANI-1ccx, ANI-1x, ANI-1x-D4, ANI-2x, ANI-2x-D4), based on the ANI neural network potentials are available in MLatom. They require pytorch and torchani to be installed. See also Torch interface for direct use of TorchANI/PyTorch (without MLatom).
from ash import *
frag = Fragment(databasefile="")
theory = MLatomTheory(method="ANI-1x")
Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag)
Loading and running pretrained model from file
We next show how to use a ML-model (ml_model keyword). If the training has already been performed and available as a file, can we load it. First we have to choose what type of ML-model potential we want to use. The options are: 'ani', 'dpmd', 'gap', 'kreg', 'physnet', 'sgdml', 'mace'. Next we must choose the file containing the model. This file often has a .pt suffix (for pytorch models) or a .pkl suffix (for scikit-learn models) or various other extensions.
from ash import *
#Here defining a MACE ML-model (requires installing MACE separately)
#And downloading and from here:
theory = MLatomTheory(ml_model="mace", model_file="")
#theory = MLatomTheory(ml_model="ani", model_file="")
#theory = MLatomTheory(ml_model="kreg", model_file="kreg_model.unf")
#Defining a molecule Fragment. NOTE: This must match the training data used to train the model (same molecule, same atom-order etc.)
#See for the file
frag = Fragment(xyzfile="")
Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag)
Training a new model using MLatomTheory
ASH features a very basic way to train a new ML model using the MLatom API. It should be noted that training a new ML model can be a labororious, complicated process and it may be better to use MLatom directly (either the PythonAPI or the command-line interface) to have more control over the training process. ASH and it's interfaces to various QM programs can still be used to generate the training data. See MLatom training documentation
Currently ASH can be used to train very basic ML-model potentials based on energies and gradients like the following examples.
See MLatom Machine learning potentials tutorial for a tutorial on training machine learning potentials in general, as well as links to download training data used below (, H2_HF.en, H2_HF.grad).
What is needed to define the ml_model (here either 'ANI' or 'kreg' is chosen) is defined and then the training data must be provided in the forms of XYZ-coordinates, energies and gradients. XYZ-coordinates should be provided as a multi-geometry XYZ-file (a single space separating geometries), energies as a single column file (one energy in Eh per line, corresponding to the geometry in the XYZ-file) and gradients as a file analogous in format to the XYZ-file but with the Cartesian gradient (Eh/Bohr) instead of geometry (and no element-column).
The multigeometry XYZ-file could e.g. come from a molecular dynamics simulation from ASH. Note that for now the energies and gradient files have to be created manually.
from ash import *
#Create MLatomTheory model
theory = MLatomTheory(ml_model="ANI")
#Train model using 3 databasefiles containing XYZ-coords, energies and gradients
#Download from;
theory.train(molDB_xyzfile="", molDB_scalarproperty_file="H2_HF.en",
#Model is now trained and can be used directly,
#Molecule Fragment to use for simulation (needs to be compatible with training data)
frag = Fragment(diatomic="H2", bondlength=1.0, charge=0, mult=1)
result = Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag, Grad=True)
print("Gradient:", result.gradient)
result = Optimizer(theory=theory, fragment=frag, Grad=True)
from ash import *
#Create MLatomTheory model
theory = MLatomTheory(ml_model="kreg", ml_program='MLatomF')
#Train model using 3 databasefiles containing XYZ-coords, energies and gradients
#Download from;
theory.train(molDB_xyzfile="", molDB_scalarproperty_file="H2_HF.en",
#Model is now trained and can be used directly,
#Molecule Fragment to use for simulation (needs to be compatible with training data)
frag = Fragment(diatomic="H2", bondlength=1.0, charge=0, mult=1)
result = Singlepoint(theory=theory, fragment=frag, Grad=True)
print("Gradient:", result.gradient)
result = Optimizer(theory=theory, fragment=frag)