OpenMM interface

OpenMM is an open-source molecular mechanics library written in C++. OpenMM has been designed to run on both CPU and GPU codes with the GPU code being particulary fast.

ASH features a flexible interface to the Python API of the OpenMM library.

The OpenMMTheory class

OpenMM can run either on the CPU or on the GPU platform by specifying platform as either: 'CPU', 'OpenCL' or 'CUDA' depending on whether there is a GPU available on the computer. For platform='CPU' the numcores variable can additionally be specified in order to control the number of CPU cores. ASH will automatically modify the OPENMM_CPU_THREADS environment variable (based on numcores attribute) that controls how many threads OpenMM uses. By default numcores=1, i.e. OpenMM will be told by ASH to use only one CPU core.

The OpenMMTheory class:

class OpenMMTheory:
    def __init__(self, printlevel=2, platform='CPU', numcores=1, topoforce=False, forcefield=None, topology=None,
                CHARMMfiles=False, psffile=None, charmmtopfile=None, charmmprmfile=None,
                GROMACSfiles=False, gromacstopfile=None, grofile=None, gromacstopdir=None,
                Amberfiles=False, amberprmtopfile=None,
                cluster_fragment=None, ASH_FF_file=None, PBCvectors=None,
                nonbondedMethod_noPBC='NoCutoff', nonbonded_cutoff_noPBC=20,
                xmlfiles=None, pdbfile=None, use_parmed=False, xmlsystemfile=None,
                periodic=False, periodic_cell_dimensions=None, customnonbondedforce=False,
                periodic_nonbonded_cutoff=12,  dispersion_correction=True,
                ewalderrortolerance=5e-4, PMEparameters=None,
                delete_QM1_MM1_bonded=False, applyconstraints_in_run=False,
                constraints=None, restraints=None, frozen_atoms=None, fragment=None, dummysystem=False,
                autoconstraints='HBonds', hydrogenmass=1.5, rigidwater=True, changed_masses=None):

OpenMMTheory options:



Default value





The printlevel.




Run on CPU or GPU. Options: 'CPU', 'OpenCL', 'CUDA'




The number of CPU cores to use for 'CPU' platform.




Whether to read in topology and forcefield objects created by
OpenMM manually. Requires setting topology and forcefield also.


OpenMM forcefield object


Read in OpenMM forcefield object defined manually by OpenMM.


OpenMM forcefield object


Read in OpenMM topology object defined by manually by OpenMM.




Read in CHARMM forcefiles or not.




Name of CHARMM protein structure file.




Name of CHARMM topology file.




Name of CHARMM parameter file.




Read in GROMACS forcefiles or not.




Name of the GROMACS topology file.




Name of Gromacs coordinate file (.gro extension)




Path to the GROMACS topology directory.




Read in Amber forcefiles or not.




Name of the Amber PRMTOP file.




ASH Fragment objected created by Molcrys.




Name of ASH forcefield file.




List of lists of floats (in Angstrom)




List of XML-files to read forcefield from.




Name of PDB-file. Used for reading topology for xmlfiles, xmlsystemfile
and ASH_FF_file options.




Whether to use Parmed library to help read in CHARMM/Amber/GROMACS
files. Requires install of Parmed Python library.




Name of XML system file to read in.




Do energy decomposition of each energy evaluation
(when called by Singlepoint or optimizer).




Periodic boundary conditions or not.




Nonbonded method for PBC.
Default: 'PME'. Other options: 'Ewald', 'CutoffPeriodic', 'LJPME'




Manual periodic cell dimensions. Example:
periodic_cell_dimensions= [200, 200, 200, 90, 90, 90]




Expert option: whether CustomNonbondedForce is used instead
of NonbondedForce.




Cutoff for the periodic nonbonding interaction.




Dispersion correction in periodic nonbonding evaluation.




Switching function distance in Å units.




Error tolerance for the periodic electrostatics Ewald algorithm.




Optional manual parameters for the Particle Mess Ewald algorithm.
Alternative to ewalderrortolerance keyword.




The nonbonded method to use for non-PBC simulations.
Default NoCutoff. Other options: 'CutoffNonPeriodics'




Cutoff for non-PBC simulations in Angstrom. Default 20 Angstrom (recommended).




For QM/MM job, whether QM1-MM1 are deleted or not.




Exper option: Whether constraints are applied in run method. Should be False.


list of lists


List of lists of constraint definitions based on atom indices. Either
[[atom_i,atom_j]] or [[atom_i,atom_j, d]], e.g. [[700,701],[703,704]]
or [[700,701, 1.05],[702,703, 1.14]], where d: distance (Å))


list of lists


List of lists of restraint definitions ([[atom_i,atom_j, d, k ]], e.g.
[[700,701, 1.05, 5.0 ]], d: distance (Å) k: force constant (kcal/mol*Å^-2))




List of atom indices to keep frozen during MD (particle mass set to 0).




If True, OpenMM will set up a dummy MM system based on provided fragment
(see below). Used for QM dynamics option in OpenMM_MD.


ASH Fragment


ASH fragment to provide when dummy_system is True.




Type of automatic constraints to apply to system. Options: 'HBonds'
(constrain all X-H bonds), 'AllBonds' (constrain all bonds), 'HAngles'
(constrain all bonds and H-X-H and H-O-X angles).




Hydrogen mass repartioning value. 1.5 is OpenMM and ASH default.
Improves numerical stability.




Whether to automatically apply rigid water constraints for recognized
water models (e.g. TIP3P) found in system. Note: needs to be turned off for




Change masses for selected indices. Should be a dict of ={atomindex: mass}

It is possible to read in multiple types of forcefield files: AmberFiles, CHARMMFiles, GROMACSFiles or an OpenMM XML forcefieldfile. Note: In rare cases OpenMM fails to read in Amber/CHARMM/GROMACS files correctly. In those cases the Parmed library may be more successful (use_parmed=True). Requires ParMed (pip install parmed).

Example creation of an OpenMMtheory object with CHARMM-files:

openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(CHARMMfiles=True, psffile=psffile, charmmtopfile=topfile,

Example creation of an OpenMMtheory object with GROMACS-files:

openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(GROMACSfiles=True, gromacstopdir="/path/to/gromacstopdir",
                gromacstopfile="", grofile="grofile.gro")

Example creation of an OpenMMtheory object with AMBER files:

openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(Amberfiles=True, amberprmtopfile="/path/to/amberprmtopfile")

Example creation of an OpenMMtheory object with OpenMM XML file:

openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(xmlfiles=["example.xml"]) #File example.xml should be in dir
openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(xmlfiles=["charmm36.xml", "charmm36/water.xml", "specialresidue.xml"])
#Here the "charmm36.xml" and "charmm36/water.xml" files are found in the OpenMM library.

Any Openmmtheory object can used to create a QM/MM theory object. See QM/MM Theory page.

Periodic boundary conditions:

  • If periodic boundary conditions are chosen (periodic=True) then the PBC box parameters are automatically found in the Amber PRMTOP file or the GROMACS Grofile. Somtimes they have to be provided by periodic_cell_dimensions

  • The Ewald error tolerance (ewalderrortolerance) can be modified (default: 5e-4)

  • PME parameters can be modified: PMEparameters=[alpha_separation,numgridpoints_X,numgridpoints_Y,numgridpoints_Z]

  • The periodic nonbonded cutoff can be modified. Default: 12 Å

  • Long-range dispersion correction can be turned on or off. Default: True

  • The switching function distance can be changed. Default: 10 Å. Used for CHARMM and XML files.

  • The box dimensions can also be modified by PBCvectors= keyword argument:

    Example: PBCvectors=[[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],[x3,y3,z3]] with values in Å.

Molecular Dynamics via OpenMM

It is possible to run molecular dynamics of an ASH system using the MD algorithms present in the OpenMM library. The OpenMM_MD function takes as argument an ASH fragment, a theory object and the user then selects an integrator of choice, simulation temperature, simulation length, timestep, optional additional thermostat, barostat etc. The theory level can be OpenMMTheory, QMMMTheory or even a simple QMTheory. Some options are only available for OpenMMTheory.

See OpenMM documentation page for details about the integrators, thermostats, barostats etc.

  • Available Integrators: Langevin, LangevinMiddleIntegrator, NoseHooverIntegrator, VerletIntegrator, VariableLangevinIntegrator, VariableVerletIntegrator

  • Available Barostat: MonteCarloBarostat

  • Optional additional thermostat: Anderson

def OpenMM_MD(fragment=None, theory=None, timestep=0.004, simulation_steps=None, simulation_time=None,
            traj_frequency=1000, temperature=300, integrator='LangevinMiddleIntegrator',
            barostat=None, pressure=1, trajectory_file_option='DCD', trajfilename='trajectory',
            coupling_frequency=1, charge=None, mult=None,
            enforcePeriodicBox=True, dummyatomrestraint=False, center_on_atoms=None, solute_indices=None,
            datafilename=None, dummy_MM=False, plumed_object=None, add_center_force=False,
            center_force_atoms=None, centerforce_constant=1.0, barostat_frequency=25, specialbox=False):

OpenMM_MD options:



Default value



ASH Fragment


The ASH fragment.


ASH Theory


The ASH Theory object.




The timestep . Default: 0.004 ps (suitable for LangevinMiddleIntegrator
dynamics with frozen X-H bonds)




Number of simulation steps to take. Alternative to simulation_time below




Length of simulation in picoseconds. Alternative to simulation_time above.




The temperature in Kelvin.




The integrator to use. Options: 'Langevin', 'LangevinMiddleIntegrator',
'NoseHooverIntegrator', 'VerletIntegrator', 'VariableLangevinIntegrator',




The coupling frequency of thermostat (in ps^-1 for Nosé-Hoover and Langevin-type)




Barostat to use for NPT simulations. Options: 'MonteCarloBarostat'




Frequency of barostat update.




Pressure to enforce by barostat




Whether to use Andersen Thermostat




Type of trajectory file. Options: 'DCD' (compressed), 'PDB', 'NetCDFReporter'
(compressed), 'HDF5Reporter' (compressed). Applies only to pure MM simulations.




Frequency of writing trajectory (every Xth timestep).




Name of trajectory file (without suffix).




Enforce PBC image during simulation. Fixes PBC-image artifacts in trajectory.




Expert options: Center system on these atoms.




Expert options: Dummy atom restraints.




Expert options: solute_indices




Whether to add a spherical force that pushes atoms to the center.




List of atom indices that the center force acts on.




Value of the spherical center force in kcal/mol/Ang^2.




Expert option: Special box for QM/MM.


ASH-Plumed object


Expert option: Plumed object for biased dynamics.

Note that constraints, autoconstraints, restraints and frozen_atoms must be defined in the OpenMMTHeory object before.


from ash import *

#Forcefield parameters

#Defining fragment
frag = Fragment(xyzfile=xyzfile, conncalc=False)

#Defining OpenMM theory object: CHARMM forcefield with periodic boundary conditions
openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(psffile=psffile, CHARMMfiles=True, charmmtopfile=topfile,
    charmmprmfile=prmfile, periodic=True, periodic_cell_dimensions=[80, 80, 80, 90, 90, 90],
    dispersion_correction=False, periodic_nonbonded_cutoff=12, switching_function_distance=10,
    PMEparameters=[1.0/0.34, 90, 90, 90])

#Launching a molecular dynamics simulation
OpenMM_MD(fragment=frag, theory=openmmobject, timestep=0.001, simulation_steps=20, traj_frequency=1, temperature=300,
    integrator='LangevinMiddleIntegrator', coupling_frequency=1, trajectory_file_option='DCD')

General constraints or H-mass modification:

  • In order to allow shorter timesteps in MD simulations it is common to utilize some general constraints in biomolecular simulations, e.g. all X-H bonds, all bonds or even all-bond and some angles. This can be accomplished via the autoconstraints option (NOTE: an option to OpenMMTheory). autoconstraints can be set to: 'HBonds' (X-H bonds constrained), 'AllBonds' (all bonds constrained), 'HAngles' (all bonds and H-X-H and H-O-X angles constrained) or None (default)

  • An alternative (or addition) is to change the masses of the hydrogen atoms (fastest-moving atoms). This is also an option to OpenMMTheory. hydrogenmass keyword takes an integer and can e.g. be 2 (mass of deuterium) or heavier. hydrogenmass=1.5 is default (default in OpenMM) .

General X-H constraints and deuterium-mass example:

from ash import *

#Forcefield parameters

#Defining fragment
frag = Fragment(xyzfile=xyzfile, conncalc=False)

#Defining OpenMM theory object: CHARMM forcefield with periodic boundary conditions
openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(psffile=psffile, CHARMMfiles=True, charmmtopfile=topfile,
    charmmprmfile=prmfile, periodic=True, periodic_cell_dimensions=[80, 80, 80, 90, 90, 90], autoconstraints='HBonds', hydrogenmass=2)

#Launching a molecular dynamics simulation
OpenMM_MD(fragment=frag, theory=openmmobject, timestep=0.001, simulation_steps=20, traj_frequency=1, temperature=300,
    integrator='LangevinMiddleIntegrator', coupling_frequency=1, trajectory_file_option='DCD')

Dealing with PBC image problems in trajectory. See OpenMM FAQ To obtain a more pleasing visualization of the trajectory you can "reimage" the trajectory afterwards using the program mdtraj (requires installation of mdtraj: pip install mdtraj). See Molecular dynamics for more details on the mdtraj interface.


from ash import *
#Provide trajectory file, PDB topology file and final format of trajectory
MDtraj_imagetraj("output_traj.dcd", "final_MDfrag_laststep.pdb", format='DCD')

#If periodic box info is missing from trajectory file (can happen with CHARMM files):
MDtraj_imagetraj("output_traj.dcd", "final_MDfrag_laststep.pdb", format='DCD', unitcell_lengths=[100.0,100.0,100.0], unitcell_angles=[90.0,90.0,90.0])
#Sometimes the procedure fails for small molecules unless you specify that solute_anchor=True
MDtraj_imagetraj("output_traj.dcd","final_MDfrag_laststep.pdb", solute_anchor=True)

PBC box relaxation via NPT

This function allows one to conveniently run multiple NPT simulations (constant pressure and temperature) in order to converge the periodic box dimensions of the system. Note: OpenMM_box_relaxation is an alias for penMM_box_equilibration

def OpenMM_box_equilibration(fragment=None, theory=None, datafilename="nptsim.csv", numsteps_per_NPT=10000,
                          volume_threshold=1.0, density_threshold=0.001, temperature=300, timestep=0.004,
                          traj_frequency=100, trajfilename='relaxbox_NPT', trajectory_file_option='DCD', coupling_frequency=1):
    """NPT simulations until volume and density stops changing

        fragment ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        theory ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.
        datafilename (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "nptsim.csv".
        numsteps_per_NPT (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 10000.
        volume_threshold (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.0.
        density_threshold (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.001.
        temperature (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 300.
        timestep (float, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0.004.
        traj_frequency (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 100.
        trajectory_file_option (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'DCD'.
        coupling_frequency (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 1.

Simple minimization via OpenMM

A classical system setup typically requires a minimization to get rid of large initial forces related to non-ideal atom positions. These large initial forces are usually responsible for the system blowing up in the beginning (error messages of e.g. 'Particle number is NaN' etc.). The simple minimizer module in the OpenMM library works well for this purpose and typically just a few 100-1000 steps of minimization is sufficient to get rid of the major forces. Inside ASH it can be accessed via the OpenMM_Opt wrapper function.

def OpenMM_Opt(fragment=None, theory=None, maxiter=1000, tolerance=1, enforcePeriodicBox=True, traj_frequency=100):

One simply provides an ASH Fragment object, an OpenMMTheory object as theory and one controls the minimization by choosing max-number of iterations and a convergence tolerance (units of kJ/mol/nm of the RMS of the forces). Once the minimization is done (regardless of whether it converged or not), the coordinates in the ASH fragment object are updated and could next be used as input for an MD simulation for example. The enforcePeriodicBox keyword can be used to specify whether the PBC conditions are enforced during the minimization or not. The traj_frequency keyword controls how many frames are written to a trajectory file (PDB-format) during the minimization (default: 100 frames).


If OpenMM version 8.1 is installed, energy and force information is printed in each optimization step and a trajectory file is written out during the minimization. This is not available in earlier versions of OpenMM.

While the OpenMM_Opt function could in principle also be utilized for regular geometry optimization (although only for an MM-only system) it has not been tested very much for this purpose. Make sure to use at least OpenMM 8.1, control the behaviour using tolerance and maxiter keywords and monitor carefully the convergence of energy and gradient.


from ash import *

#Forcefield parameters

#Defining fragment
frag = Fragment(xyzfile=xyzfile, conncalc=False)

#Defining OpenMM theory object: CHARMM forcefield with periodic boundary conditions
openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(psffile=psffile, CHARMMfiles=True, charmmtopfile=topfile,
    charmmprmfile=prmfile, periodic=True, periodic_cell_dimensions=[80, 80, 80, 90, 90, 90])

#Launching a minimization
OpenMM_Opt(fragment=frag, theory=openmmobject, maxiter=1000, tolerance=1)
#After minimization, the ASH fragment is updated, a PDB-file is written out: frag-minimized.pdb
#Alternative XYZ write-out:

If you want to do a simple minimization of only the H-atoms of your system (e.g. your protein with newly added H-atoms), you can do this by freezing all non-H atoms. An ASH fragment can conveniently give you lists of atom indices by the built-in functions:

  • fragment.get_atomindices_for_element('C') #List of atom-indices for carbon atoms in the system

  • fragment.get_atomindices_except_element('H') #List of atom-indices for all atoms except the chosen element (here H).

Note: all constraints in the OpenMM object needs to be turned off for (autoconstraints=None, rigidwater=False) for this many frozen atoms (frozen atoms can not have constraints).

from ash import *

pdbfile = "ash_inp.pdb"
prmtopfile = "prmtop"

frag = Fragment(pdbfile=pdbfile)

#List of all non-H atoms

openmmobject = OpenMMTheory(Amberfiles=True, amberprmtopfile=prmtopfile, periodic=True,
        platform='CPU', autoconstraints=None, rigidwater=False, frozen_atoms=allnonHatoms)

OpenMM_Opt(fragment=frag, theory=openmmobject, maxiter=1000, tolerance=1)

Gentle WarmupMD

A function to gently warm up a newly setup system to a target temperature. Can also be used to help diagnose why an MD simulation crashes (reports initial high atomic forces as well as root-mean-square fluctuations).

def Gentle_warm_up_MD(theory=None, fragment=None, time_steps=[0.0005,0.001,0.004], steps=[10,50,10000],
    temperatures=[1,10,300], check_gradient_first=True, gradient_threshold=100, use_mdtraj=True)

The minimization algorithm in OpenMM_Opt described above can occasionally fail to reduce the main problematic forces present in a newly setup system. It can even occasionally crash during the minimization without revealing the cause. Starting MD simulations directly can also lead to crashes without helpful error messages. The reason for these crashes is usually due to these large forces resulting in high atom velocities (or similar problems in the minimization) which causes the system to blow up (error messages such as 'Particle number is NaN' etc.). Furthermore, the OpenMM minimization algorithm currently does not report any progress on the minimization (see Github issue)

An alternative (or addition) to a minimization is to instead start MD simulations using a very low temperature and small timesteps and then gradually increase the temperature and timestep. Such a protocol can work where a minimization fails or at the very least it can provide information about what part of the system has these large forces.

ASH provides a convenient function, Gentle_warm_up_MD, that can be called to do such a gentle warmup MD in a few steps. In addition, the function reports the largest atom forces present in the initial geometry and will report atoms with the largest root-mean-square fluctuations after each MD simulation it performs (requires mdtraj to be installed). See Molecular dynamics for more details on the mdtraj interface.

To use it, you simple call the function with the OpenMMTheory object and Fragment object as input.

Gentle_warm_up_MD(theory=openmmobject, fragment=frag, time_steps=[0.0005,0.001,0.004],
                  steps=[10,50,10000], temperatures=[1,10,300])

By default, the function will perform a warmup protocol consisting of:

  • 10-step MD simulation with a 0.5 fs timestep (0.0005 ps) at temperature 1 K

  • 50-step MD simulation with a 1.0 fs timestep (0.001 ps) at temperature 10 K

  • 10000-step MD simulation with a 4.0 fs timestep (0.004 ps) at temperature 300 K

This protocol may be sufficient to warm up your system without it blowing up but the protocol can also be modified in any way you like. By adding values to the lists above you add extra simulations, change the steps, change the temperatures, timesteps etc. A DCD trajectory is written for each MD simulation and each snapshot is written to disk (traj_frequency=1) which can be visualized in VMD.

Gentle_warm_up_MD will by default use mdtraj to image trajectories for better visualization as well as calculate root-mean-square fluctuations. mdtraj can be installed like this: pip install mdtraj See Molecular dynamics for more details on the mdtraj interface.

System setup via OpenMM: Modeller

OpenMM features a convenient a PDBfixer program and Modeller tool that together are capable of setting up a new biomolecular system from scratch. See also OpenMM-Model-building and editing As ASH features a highly convenient interface to these programs and OpenMM itself this allows near-automatic system-setup for biomolecular systems.

def OpenMM_Modeller(pdbfile=None, forcefield_object=None, forcefield=None, xmlfile=None, waterxmlfile=None, watermodel=None, pH=7.0,
                    solvent_padding=10.0, solvent_boxdims=None, extraxmlfile=None, residue_variants=None,
                    ionicstrength=0.1, pos_iontype='Na+', neg_iontype='Cl-', use_higher_occupancy=False,
                    platform="CPU", use_pdbfixer=True, implicit=False, implicit_solvent_xmlfile=None):

The OpenMM_Modeller function returns an ASH OpenMMTheory object and ASH fragment object that can be used directly as theory level for future calculations. OpenMM_Modeller will also print various PDB-files associated with each step of the setup (H-addition, solvation, ionization etc.) that can be visualized for correctness. An XML file associated with the system is created that can be used to create future OpenMMtheory objects from.

Some example Modeller inputs:

#CHARMM36 with TIP3P watermodel
OpenMM_Modeller(pdbfile="test.pdb", forcefield="CHARMM36", watermodel="tip3p", extraxmlfile="gaff_ligand.xml")

#Amber14 with TIP3P-FB watermodel
OpenMM_Modeller(pdbfile="test.pdb", forcefield="Amber14", watermodel="tip3p-fb", extraxmlfile="gaff_ligand.xml")

Lysozyme example (simple, no modifications required):

from ash import *

#Original raw PDB-file (no hydrogens, nosolvent)
#Download from

#Defining residues with special user-wanted protonation states for residues in each indicated chain
#Dictionary of dictionaries with the chainname (e.g. 'A','B') acting as keys for the outer dictionary
#and the resids being keys for the inner dictionary
#Example: residue_variants={'A':{0:'LYN', 17:'CYX', 18:'ASH', 19:'HIE', 20:'HID', 21:'GLH' }}
#resid 1: neutral LYS, resid 17, deprotonated CYS, resid 18 protonated ASP,
#resid 19 epsilon-protonated HIS, resid 20 delta-protonated HIS, 21 protonated GLU.

#Setting up new system, adding hydrogens, solvent, ions and defining forcefield, topology
openmmobject, ashfragment = OpenMM_Modeller(pdbfile=pdbfile, forcefield='CHARMM36', watermodel="tip3p", pH=7.0,
    solvent_padding=10.0, ionicstrength=0.1, residue_variants=residue_variants)

#MM minimization for 100 steps
OpenMM_Opt(fragment=ashfragment, theory=openmmobject, maxiter=100, tolerance=1)

#Classical MD simulation for 10 ps
OpenMM_MD(fragment=ashfragment, theory=openmmobject, timestep=0.001, simulation_time=10, traj_frequency=100, temperature=300,
    integrator='LangevinMiddleIntegrator', coupling_frequency=1, trajectory_file_option='DCD')

If the protein contains nonstandard residues (e.g. metallocofactors) that are not present in a typical protein forcefield (OpenMM_Modeller will exit with errors), then these need to be provided using the extraxmlfile option.

openmmobject, ashfragment = OpenMM_Modeller(pdbfile=pdbfile, forcefield='CHARMM36', watermodel="tip3p", pH=7.0,
    solvent_padding=10.0, ionicstrength=0.1, residue_variants=residue_variants, extraxmlfile="cofactor.xml")

The cofactor.xml file needs to define a forcefield (a nonbonded one at least) for the residue. Here defining a simple Fe(III) ion:

<Type name="FEX" class="Fe" element="Fe" mass="55.84700"/>
<Residue name="FE">
<Atom name="FE" type="FEX"/>
<NonbondedForce coulomb14scale="1.0" lj14scale="1.0">
<Atom type="FEX" charge="3.0" sigma="1.0" epsilon="0.0"/>
<LennardJonesForce lj14scale="1.0">
<Atom type="FEX" sigma="0.3" epsilon="0.00000"/>

See e.g. Molecular Mechanics Tools for information on the format of the XML file. See also information on the write_nonbonded_FF_for_ligand function on this page.

See OpenMM interface for details and the Metalloprotein tutorial I: Rubredoxin and Metalloprotein tutorial II: Ferredoxin for step-by-step tutorials on the rubredoxin and ferredoxin metalloproteins.

Common error messages encountered when using OpenMM_Modeller on PDB-files:

-ValueError: No template found for residue X (YYY). This might mean your input topology is missing some atoms or bonds, or possibly that you are using the wrong force field.

This means that the parser encountered a completely unknown residue. You might have forgotten to read in the XML file to OpenMM_Modeller or the resname is not the same in the PDBfile as in the XML file. The atomnames and residue name in PDB-file must match the atomnames and residue name in the XML file. Also, element information (column 77-78) must be present in the PDB-file. It is also possible that PDB-file does not contain a valid N- or C-terminus for each peptide chain. Note that for a C-terminus, a terminal oxygen atom with atomname OXT is required.

  • ValueError: Found multiple definitions for atom type: X :

This means that the atomtypes you defined inside <AtomTypes> </AtomTypes> are not unique. Either you have accidentally two lines with the same name for atomtype or the general forcefield (e.g. CHARMM) already contains an atomtype definition with this name. In that case, choose a unique name.

  • KeyError: 'SXM' :

Possibly means that your atomname definition points to an atomtype-name that does not exist

  • ValueError: No template found for residue X (YYY). The set of atoms matches YYY, but the bonds are different. Perhaps the chain is missing a terminal group?' :

This means there is some mismatch between the information present in the PDB-file and the information in the XML-file you provided. It's possible that the PDB-file contains connectivity statements at the bottom of the PDB-file (CONE lines) but no bond information is present in the XML file. Solution: Either add the missing bond to the residue definition so that it matches the CONE lines or simply delete the CONE information that you don't need.

Valid alternative residue names for alternative protonation states of titratable residues:

  • LYN instead of LYS: deprotonated lysine residue (NH2 instead of NH3)

  • CYX instead of CYS: deprotonated cysteine residue (S- instead of SH)

  • ASH instead of ASP: protonated aspartate residue (COOH instead of COO-)

  • GLH instead of GLU: protonated glutamate residue (COOH instead of COO-)

  • HID instead of HIS: histidine protonated at delta nitrogen

  • HIE instead of HIS: histidine protonated at epsilon nitrogen


Note: these names should not be used in the PDB-file. Only in the residue_variants dictionary that you provide to OpenMM_Modeller.

Setting up a protein system with implicit solvation

It is also possible to use OpenMM_Modeller to setup a protein system with an implicit solvent instead of explicit. Note that the protein-forcefield must be compatible with the chosen implicit solvent. See Open MM documentation for more information.

Below is an example for setting up a protein using Amber14 and the OBC2 implicit solvation model.

from ash import *

OpenMM_Modeller(pdbfile="combmol.pdb", forcefield="Amber14", implicit=True, implicit_solvent_xmlfile="implicit/obc2.xml")

The system will be setup as usual using the steps in Open_Modeller but no explicit solvent or counterions will be added. Additionally periodicity will not be assumed during the creation of the files as implicit solvation calculations should be run without PBC.

from ash import *

#Read in previous system from OpenMM_Modeller
frag = Fragment(pdbfile="finalsystem.pdb")

#Create an OpenMMTheory object without PBC. Here using a cutoff of 20 Angstroms for nonbonded interactions
omm = OpenMMTheory(xmlfiles=["amber14-all.xml", "implicit/obc2.xml", "gaff_ligand.xml"], pdbfile="finalsystem.pdb",
    periodic=False, platform='OpenCL', nonbondedMethod_noPBC='CutoffNonPeriodic', nonbonded_cutoff_noPBC=20)

#NVT MD simulation for 1000 ps = 1 ns
OpenMM_MD(fragment=frag, theory=omm, timestep=0.004, simulation_time=10, traj_frequency=100, temperature=300,
    integrator='LangevinMiddleIntegrator', coupling_frequency=1, trajfilename='NVTtrajectory',trajectory_file_option='DCD')

MD simulations with an implicit solvation model can have their advantages as they should run considerably quicker. While the implicit solvation model is not as accurate as explicit solvation, it can be a good starting point for a system that is later simulated with explicit solvent.

Create forcefield for ligand / small molecule

Often one wants to perform a classical or QM/MM simulation of a small molecule in solution (either as part of a biomolecular system or on its own) but one lacks forcefield parameters to do so. One has typically 2 options for how to proceed in this case:

  • Create only a nonbonded forcefield (charges and Lennard-Jones parameters) for the small molecule.

  • Create a full forcefield for the small molecule (bonded and nonbonded parameters).

The first option (nonbonded only) is sufficient if one primarily intends to perform QM/MM simulations where the molecule will always be in the QM-region. This may also be the only easy option if the molecule is inorganic (e.g. a metal complex) where forcefield parameterization is less straightforward. The nonbonded forcefield can also be used in classical simulation if one makes sure the ligand is rigid (all bonds constrained, possibly angles and dihedrals as well). See next section below: write_nonbonded_FF_for_ligand

The second option (full forcefield) is generally better and is required if one wants to perform classical MM simulations where the molecule is flexible. ASH features a function (small_molecule_parameterizer) that allows one to expedite this process with the help of the openmm-forcefields, that provides a convenient way of getting forcefield parameters from the GAFF and OpenFF projects. The limitation is that this option is primarily available for organic or drug-like molecules. Additionally these small-molecule forcefields are intended to be only used together with Amber biomolecular forcefields (if your system also includes protein/DNA).


def write_nonbonded_FF_for_ligand(fragment=None, charge=None, mult=None, coulomb14scale=1.0, lj14scale=1.0,
  ff_type="CHARMM", charge_model="CM5", theory=None, LJ_model="UFF", resname="LIG", numcores=1):

ASH features a function (write_nonbonded_FF_for_ligand) that allows one to quickly create an OpenMM-style XML forcefield file for any ligand/molecule with only nonbonded parameters specified which can be sufficient for QM/MM simulations or classical simulations where the ligand/molecule is rigid (all bonds constrained).

One can choose to derive the atom charges from either an xTB-calculation (using the xTB interface) or a DFT-calculation (ORCA interface). The charge_model options are: CM5 charges or DDEC3/DDEC6 charges (requires DDEC3/DDEC6). The Lennard-Jones parameters can either come from UFF (very crude: element-specific LJ parameters) or via DDEC3/DDEC6 population analysis.


It is up to you the user to make sure that the nonbonded parameters from this procedure are sensible and compatible with other molecules present in your system (described by another forcefield). You may have to change the parameters manually


from ash import *


#Script to get nonbonded model parameters for a ligand
orcatheory=ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput="!r2scan ZORA ZORA-def2-TZVP tightscf CPCM", numcores=8)

write_nonbonded_FF_for_ligand(fragment=frag, resname="MCMtest", charge=0, mult=1,
    coulomb14scale=1.0, lj14scale=1.0, charge_model="CM5_ORCA", theory=orcatheory, LJ_model="UFF", ff_type="CHARMM")


  • charge_model: Options are 'CM5', 'xTB', 'DDEC3', 'DDEC6'

  • LJ_model: Options are 'UFF', 'DDEC3', 'DDEC6'

  • The ff_type keyword (options: 'CHARMM', 'AMBER', 'None'), writes the forcefield file so that it is compatible with the CHARMM, Amber biomolecular forcefields. Choose 'None' if not needed.

  • coulomb14scale and lj14scale parameters can be changed, depending on what other forcefield this ligand-forcefield will be combined with (OpenMM requires compatibility)


  • Parameters will be derived for each atom in the XYZ-file. Symmetry is currently not incorporated and this means that very similar atoms in the structure will have their own charge/LJ parameters. Since this is not always desired, the user should take care to combine and symmetrize the parameters in the XML-file manually.

  • For a ligand bound to the protein, special care must be taken. Charges are best derived from a ligand structure with all metal ions coordinated (e.g. including an amino acid side chain) but then the calculation will contain those extra atoms. This requires manual tweaking of the final charges (make sure that the sum of atom charges add up to the correct total charge).

  • DDEC3/DDEC6: Both atom charges and LJ parameters can be determined from a DFT-calculation and a DDEC3/DDEC6 population analysis using the Chargemodel. This options has not been well tested and requires external programs (Chargemol and mol2aim)


def small_molecule_parameterizer(charge=None, xyzfile=None, pdbfile=None, molfile=None, sdffile=None,
                                smiles_string=None, resname="LIG", forcefield_option='GAFF',
                                gaffversion='gaff-2.11', openff_file="openff-2.0.0.offxml",
                                expected_coul14=0.8333333333333334, expected_lj14=0.5, allow_undefined_stereo=None):

small_molecule_parameterizer allows you to quickly create an OpenMM XML forcefield file with bonded and nonbonded parameters for your molecule. You can choose between two general forcefields: GAFF or OpenFF. Different GAFF and OpenFF versions are also available. The limitation is that creating the small-molecule forcefield from these general forcefields can only be done for "organic" chemical elements (H,C,N,O,S,P,F,Cl,Br,I; also ions such as Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, F-, Cl-, Br-, and I-). These small-molecule forcefields are intended to be only used together with Amber biomolecular forcefields (if your system also includes protein/DNA).

The program depends on a few Python libraries that have to be installed when prompted. It should be enough to install openmmforcefields as it will automatically install: openff-toolkit , RDKit, parmed. ASH will tell you which libraries are missing and how to install them when you try to use the function. Specifically we use the OpenFF toolkit to create a Molecule object (see OpenFF Molecule and Molecule Cookbook) .

small_molecule_parameterizer is very easy to use most of the time. You simply need to provide molecular structure information in the form of either an XYZ-file, PDB-file, a SMILES string , MDL Mol-file or SDF-file. Additionally the total charge of the molecule needs to be specified.

There are cases where parsing the molecular information from a coordinate-file fails and you may have to input a SMILES-string directly. See Molecule Cookbook and SMILES tutorial: .

Example using OpenFF and XYZ-file

from ash import *
#Creating forcefield for nitrate using OpenFF. Here providing xyz-file as input
small_molecule_parameterizer(forcefield_option="OpenFF", xyzfile="", charge=-1)

The output is an XML-file that can then be used as input to OpenMMTheory, OpenMM_Modeller or solvate_small_molecule functions (see below). Additionally a PDB-file is written out for convenience (matches information in XML-file).

Example using GAFF and SMILES string

from ash import *
#Creating forcefield for nitrate using GAFF. Here providing a SMILES string as input
small_molecule_parameterizer(forcefield_option="GAFF", smiles_string="[N+](=O)([O-])[O-]")
#Note: no PDB-file will be created in this case.


The XML-file created by this function will contain bonded parameters and it is thus important that the topology of the molecule is available when using the XML-file together with OpenMM. Otherwise, the pairing of molecule and small-molecule forcefield in the XML-file will not work. As OpenMM will typically get the topology from a PDB-file you must ensure to have a PDB-file that contains CONECT lines at the bottom of the PDB-file that describes the connectivity of the small molecule. A PDB-file with connectivity is automatically created if you read in an XYZ-file to small_molecule_parameterizer above. You can also use the xyz_to_pdb_with_connectivity function.

The following error can sometimes occur:

ValueError: Final molecular charge does not match input; could not find valid bond ordering

This means that RDKit failed to understand the bonds in the molecule. Often this occurs if the charge of the molecule is wrong.

See also Modelling protein-ligand binding in ASH: Tutorial for a demonstration on using the small_molecule_parameterizer for setting up a protein-ligand complex.

Small molecule solvation

def solvate_small_molecule(fragment=None, charge=None, mult=None, watermodel=None, solvent_boxdims=[70.0, 70.0, 70.0],

ASH also features a function to solvate a small molecule automatically. This also makes use of the Modeller functionality of OpenMM but is a bit simpler. It requires reading an ASH fragment, selection of a water model and an XML-file containing the small-molecule forcefield. The XML-file can come from either write_nonbonded_FF_for_ligand or small_molecule_parameterizer The size of the solvent box can be modified as required (default 70x70x70 Angstrom).


  • watermodel (string). Can be: 'TIP3P' only for now

  • xmlfile (string). Name of the XML-file containing either a nonbonded or full forcefield of the molecule.

  • solvent_boxdims (list of floats). Cubic box dimensions in Angstrom.


from ash import *

#Molecule definition
mol=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)

#Solvate molecule (70x70x70 Å TIP3P box)
forcefield, topology, ashfragment = solvate_small_molecule(fragment=mol, watermodel='tip3p', solvent_boxdims=[70,70,70])

The output of solvate_small_molecule are coordinate files: "system_aftersolvent.pdb" and "" .

ASH will print information about how to create an OpenMMTheory for the system but typically it would look like this:

from ash import *
#Read in coordinates: either XYZ-file or PDB-file
fragment = Fragment(xyzfile="")
#Create an OpenMMTheory object based on PDB-file and XML-files for water and small-molecule
#Note: that the XML-file for the solvent may be different (CHARMM-style, Amber-style or OpenMM-style)
openmmobject =OpenMMTheory(xmlfiles=["molecule.xml", "amber/tip3p_standard.xml"], pdbfile="system_aftersolvent.pdb",
        periodic=True, rigidwater=True, autoconstraints='HBonds')

Additionally the function returns an OpenMM forcefield object, an OpenMM topology and an ASH fragment. These could also be used to create an OpenMMTheory object, but would have to be performed in the same script as solvate_small_molecule

#Creating new OpenMM object from forcefield, topology and and fragment
openmmobject =OpenMMTheory(numcores=numcores, topoforce=True, forcefield=forcefield, topology=topology,
                periodic=True, autoconstraints='HBonds', rigidwater=True)

The OpenMMTheory object can then be used on its own or can be combined with a QM theory to define a QM/MM theory object etc. See Explicit solvation (small molecule) workflow for more information on how to use solvate_small_molecule in a multi-step workflow.