
The Singlepoint jobtype is the most basic job to perform in ASH. The main function is Singlepoint and special versions are Singlepoint_fragments, Singlepoint_theories, Singlepoint_fragments_and_theories, Singlepoint_reaction and Singlepoint_parallel.

Singlepoint function

The base function is a simple Python function that only requires as input : an ASH fragment object and an ASH Theory object. The ASHTHeory object can be a QMTheory from: QM Interfaces, or an MMTheory (see MM Interfaces) or even a QM/MMTheory (see QM/MM Theory).

def Singlepoint(fragment=None, theory=None, Grad=False, charge=None, mult=None):
    """Singlepoint function: runs a single-point energy calculation using ASH theory and ASH fragment.

        fragment (ASH fragment): An ASH fragment. Defaults to None.
        theory (ASH theory): Any valid ASH theory. Defaults to None.
        Grad (Boolean): Do gradient or not. Defaults to False.
        charge (int, optional): Specify charge of system. Overrides fragment charge information.
        mult (int, optional): Specify mult of system. Overrides fragment charge information.

        float: Energy
        float,np.array : Energy and gradient array


In the example script below an ASH Fragment is created from the XYZ-file "" that contains the Cartesian coordinates of hydrogen fluoride. The charge and multiplicity is also defined as part of the Fragment object. Next a theory-level object is defined, here an object is created from the ORCATheory class. For a single-point calculation one then simply passes the Theory object and the Fragment object to the Singlepoint function.

from ash import *

#Defining fragment
HF_frag=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
orcasimpleinput="! BP86 def2-SVP def2/J tightscf"
ORCAobject = ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput=orcasimpleinput, numcores=4)

#Simple Energy SP calc. Energy will be printed to output and also returned as an energy variable
Singlepoint(theory=ORCAobject, fragment=HF_frag)

Note that an alternative to defining the charge/mult as attributes of the Fragment is to instead pass the charge and multiplicity to the Singlepoint function. If this option is used, this will override any charge/mult information present in the fragment.

#Simple Energy SP calc. Energy will be printed to output and also returned as an energy variable
Singlepoint(theory=ORCAobject, fragment=HF_frag, charge=0, mult=1)

The energy calculated is printed to standard output by default. The Singlepoint function returns an energy as a floating point number which you can use to store the energy as a new variable so that you can do something more with the data.

#Simple Energy+Gradient SP calc
# The function will return the energy that can be stored as a variable
result = Singlepoint(theory=ORCAobject, fragment=HF_frag)
print("Energy is",

It is also possible to request a gradient calculation in which case both the energy and gradient is returned:

#Simple Energy+Gradient SP calc
Energy, Gradient = Singlepoint(theory=ORCAobject, fragment=HF_frag, Grad=True)
print("Energy is", Energy)
print("Gradient is:", Gradient)

By default, the files created by the Theory interface are not cleaned up. To have ORCA (in this example) clean up temporary files (e.g. so they don't interfere with a future job), one can use the cleanup method of the ORCATheory object:

#Clean up

The energy and gradient from the last Energy/Energy+Gradient run is also stored inside the Theory object and can be accessed:


Singlepoint_fragments function

The Singlepoint function above is designed to be a simple function that does one job, returning 1 energy for the 1 theory level and the 1 fragment that was defined. In a typical project, however, multiple calculations need to be performed. For example running the same single-point theory calculation on multiple fragments.

You could of course easily write a for-loop for this purpose in ASH, making sure to define first charge and multiplicity for each fragment first.

from ash import *

#Species of the Haber-Bosch reaction: N2 + 3H2 => 2NH3
N2=Fragment(diatomic="N2", bondlength=1.0975, charge=0, mult=1)
H2=Fragment(diatomic="H2", bondlength=0.741, charge=0, mult=1)
NH3=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)

fragment_list=[N2, H2, NH3] #An ordered list of ASH fragments.

#Define theory
xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN1') # GFN1-xTB theory-level
energies=[] #empty list to store energies

#Iterating over fragments
for fragment in fragment_list:
    result = Singlepoint(theory=xtbcalc, fragment=fragment)
    energies.append( #add energy to list

print("List of energies:", energies)

More conveniently, however, you can instead use the Singlepoint_fragments function:

def Singlepoint_fragments(theory=None, fragments=None, stoichiometry=None):

that does the same thing:

from ash import *

#Species of the Haber-Bosch reaction: N2 + 3H2 => 2NH3
N2=Fragment(diatomic="N2", bondlength=1.0975, charge=0, mult=1)
H2=Fragment(diatomic="H2", bondlength=0.741, charge=0, mult=1)
NH3=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
specieslist=[N2, H2, NH3] #An ordered list of ASH fragments.
xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN1') # GFN1-xTB theory-level

#Call Singlepoint_fragments and get list of calculated energies
energies = Singlepoint_fragments(theory=xtbcalc, fragments=specieslist)

In addition to returning a list of energies, a table is also printed in standard output:

Singlepoint_fragments: Table of energies of each fragment:
Formula    Label       Charge    Mult           Energy(Eh)
N2         None             0       1        -6.3335016263
H2         None             0       1        -1.0361629322
N1H3       nh3              0       1        -4.8298958374

If you provide (optional) a stoichiometry (list order should match fragments list) to Singlepoint_fragments you will also get a print-out of the reaction energy.

energies = Singlepoint_fragments(theory=xtbcalc, fragments=specieslist, stoichiometry=[-1,-3,2])
Stoichiometry provided.
Reaction_energy(ΔE):  -136.6723479900558 kcal/mol

Singlepoint_theories function

You might also have a single fragment that you want to run multiple single-point theory calculations on. For this case you can use Singlepoint_theories instead.

#Define the fragment. Here providing charge/mult also.
N2=Fragment(diatomic="N2", bondlength=1.0975, charge=0, mult=1)

#Defining theory levels. NOTE: For clearer printing it is recommended to add a label to each theory object.
gfn1_xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN1', label='GFN1-xTB') # GFN1-xTB theory-level
gfn2_xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN2', label='GFN2-xTB') # GFN2-xTB theory-level
orca_r2scan=ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput='! r2SCAN-3c tightscf', label='ORCA-r2SCAN-3c') # ORCA r2SCAN-3c theory-level
theories=[gfn1_xtbcalc,gfn2_xtbcalc,orca_r2scan] #Collecting all theories in a list

energies = Singlepoint_theories(theories=theories, fragment=N2)

In addition to returning a list of energies, a table is also printed in standard output:

Singlepoint_theories: Table of energies of each theory:

Theory class    Theory Label     Charge    Mult           Energy(Eh)
xTBTheory       GFN1-xTB              0       1        -6.3335016263
xTBTheory       GFN2-xTB              0       1        -5.7639339581
ORCATheory      ORCA-r2SCAN-3c        0       1      -109.5070425194

Singlepoint_fragments_and_theories function

You might even want to perform calculation on multiple fragments with multiple theories. For example calculating a reaction energy with multiple theory levels. Singlepoint_fragments_and_theories makes this easy.

def Singlepoint_fragments_and_theories(theories=None, fragments=None, stoichiometry=None):


from ash import *

#Haber-Bosch reaction: N2 + 3H2 => 2NH3
N2=Fragment(diatomic="N2", bondlength=1.0975, charge=0, mult=1)
H2=Fragment(diatomic="H2", bondlength=0.741, charge=0, mult=1)
NH3=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
specieslist=[N2, H2, NH3] #An ordered list of ASH fragments.
stoichiometry=[-1, -3, 2] #Using same order as specieslist.
xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN1') # GFN1-xTB theory-level

#Defining theories
gfn1_xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN1', label='GFN1-xTB') # GFN1-xTB theory-level
gfn2_xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN2', label='GFN2-xTB') # GFN2-xTB theory-level
orca_r2scan=ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput='! r2SCAN-3c tightscf', label='ORCA-r2SCAN-3c') # ORCA r2SCAN-3c theory-level

#All theories in a list

# Running multiple fragments and theories
results = Singlepoint_fragments_and_theories(theories=theories, fragments=specieslist, stoichiometry=stoichiometry)

This gives the output:

Singlepoint_fragments_and_theories: FINAL RESULTS

Theory: xTBTheory
Label: GFN1-xTB

Table of energies of each fragment:
Formula    Label       Charge    Mult           Energy(Eh)
N2         None             0       1      -109.5070425194
H2         None             0       1        -1.1693814360
H3N1       nh3              0       1       -56.5418434618

Stoichiometry provided: [-1, -3, 2]
Reaction_energy(GFN1-xTB):  -136.6723479900558 kcal/mol

Theory: xTBTheory
Label: GFN2-xTB

Table of energies of each fragment:
Formula    Label       Charge    Mult           Energy(Eh)
N2         None             0       1      -109.5070425194
H2         None             0       1        -1.1693814360
H3N1       nh3              0       1       -56.5418434618

Stoichiometry provided: [-1, -3, 2]
Reaction_energy(GFN2-xTB):  -89.09909008527589 kcal/mol

Theory: ORCATheory
Label: ORCA-r2SCAN-3c

Table of energies of each fragment:
Formula    Label       Charge    Mult           Energy(Eh)
N2         None             0       1      -109.5070425194
H2         None             0       1        -1.1693814360
H3N1       nh3              0       1       -56.5418434618

Stoichiometry provided: [-1, -3, 2]
Reaction_energy(ORCA-r2SCAN-3c):  -42.98445901864511 kcal/mol

Final list of list of total energies: [[-6.333501626274, -1.036162932168, -4.829895837389],
    [-5.763933958102, -0.9820230341, -4.4259957498], [-109.507042519379, -1.16938143601, -56.541843461825]]
Final reaction energies:
Reaction_energy(GFN1-xTB):  -136.6723479900558 kcal/mol
Reaction_energy(GFN2-xTB):  -89.09909008527589 kcal/mol
Reaction_energy(ORCA-r2SCAN-3c):  -42.98445901864511 kcal/mol

A final list of lists of total energies is returned (each list containing the total energies of the fragment for each theory level )

Singlepoint_reaction function

Finally it is possible to use an ASH Reaction object together with Singlepoint_reaction to run calculations for each fragment defined within the reaction and get the reaction energy back. See Workflow functionality about ASH Reaction class.

def Singlepoint_reaction(theory=None, reaction=None):


from ash import *

#Defining Haber-Bosch reaction: N2 + 3H2 => 2NH3 Reaction object
N2=Fragment(diatomic="N2", bondlength=1.0975, charge=0, mult=1)
H2=Fragment(diatomic="H2", bondlength=0.741, charge=0, mult=1)
NH3=Fragment(xyzfile="", charge=0, mult=1)
specieslist=[N2, H2, NH3] #An ordered list of ASH fragments.
stoichiometry=[-1, -3, 2] #Using same order as specieslist.
HB_reaction = Reaction(fragments=specieslist, stoichiometry=stoichiometry,  unit='kcal/mol')

#Defining theory
xtbcalc=xTBTheory(xtbmethod='GFN1') # GFN1-xTB theory-level

#Running singlepoint calculation on reaction
reaction_result = Singlepoint_reaction(theory=xtbcalc, reaction=HB_reaction)
reaction_energy = reaction_result.reaction_energy

This gives the output:

Singlepoint_reaction: Table of energies of each fragment:
Formula    Label                 Charge    Mult           Energy(Eh)
N2         None                       0       1        -6.3335016263
H2         None                       0       1        -1.0361629322
H3N1       nh3                        0       1        -4.8300824317

Reaction_energy():  -136.9065273640026 kcal/mol

Singlepoint_parallel function

The Singlepoint_fragments and Singlepoint_theories functions perform the calculations in a sequential fashion (via a for loop): i.e. one calculation after the other. While convenient, the functions do not utilize the fact that each fragment-calculation (Singlepoint_fragments) or theory-calculation (Singlepoint_theories) is completely independent from each other and could thus run through the list of calculations (whether fragments or theories) in parallel on a multi-core CPU. The Singlepoint_parallel function, however, allows you to do this.

See Parallelization in ASH for information on using the Singlepoint_parallel function.