Specific workflows

This page contains information on very specific workflow functionality for carrying out specific things such as:

  • counterpoise corrections

  • finding non-Aufbau SCF solutions

  • finding an active space automatically

  • calculating redox density differences

Counter-poise correction (ORCA)

def counterpoise_calculation_ORCA(fragments=None, theory=None, monomer1_indices=None, monomer2_indices=None):

ASH can perform Boys-Bernardi counterpoise corrections (single-point energy level only) together with ORCA in a convenient way. All that is required are geometries (previously optimized) for the AB dimer as well as monomers A and B respectively, a theory level definition and lists of atom indices that specify which atoms in the AB dimer belong to monomer A and B, respectively.

from ash import *

#Define ASH fragments for the A-B adduct (dimer) and monomers from XYZ-files
#Dimer: H2O...MeOH H-bonded complex
dimer=Fragment(xyzfile="h2o_meoh.xyz", charge=0, mult=1)
#H2O monomer
h2o=Fragment(xyzfile="h2o.xyz", charge=0, mult=1)
#MeOH monomer
meoh=Fragment(xyzfile="meoh.xyz", charge=0, mult=1)
#Combine fragments in a list
all_fragments=[dimer, h2o, meoh]

#Define ORCA theory
simple=" ! RI-MP2 def2-SVP def2-SVP/C RIJCOSX def2/J tightscf "
maxiter 300
orcacalc = ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput=simple, orcablocks=blocks)

#Run counterpoise_calculation giving fragment-list, orcacalculation and atom-indices as input
# monomer1_indices and monomer2_indices specify which atoms in the dimer correspond to monomer1 and monomer2
counterpoise_calculation_ORCA(fragments=all_fragments, theory=orcacalc, monomer1_indices=[0,1,2], monomer2_indices=[3,4,5,6,7,8])

The final output looks like :

                #                                     #
              #     COUNTERPOISE CORRECTION JOB     #
                #                                     #

 Boys-Bernardi counterpoise correction

monomer1_indices: [0, 1, 2]
monomer2_indices: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Monomer 1:
Defined coordinates (Å):
   O  -0.52532979   -0.05097108   -0.31451686
   H  -0.94200663    0.74790163    0.01125282
   H   0.40369652    0.05978598   -0.07356837
Monomer 1 indices in dimer: [0, 1, 2]

Monomer 2:
Defined coordinates (Å):
   O   2.31663329    0.04550085    0.07185839
   H   2.68461611   -0.52657655    0.74938672
   C   2.78163836   -0.42612907   -1.19030072
   H   2.35082127    0.22496462   -1.94341475
   H   3.86760205   -0.37533621   -1.26461265
   H   2.45329574   -1.44599856   -1.38938136
Monomer 2 indices in dimer: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

0   O -0.525329794 -0.050971084 -0.314516861   Monomer1
1   H -0.942006633 0.747901631 0.011252816   Monomer1
2   H 0.403696525 0.059785981 -0.073568368   Monomer1
3   O 2.316633291 0.045500849 0.071858389   Monomer2
4   H 2.684616115 -0.526576554 0.749386716   Monomer2
5   C 2.781638362 -0.426129067 -1.190300721   Monomer2
6   H 2.350821267 0.224964624 -1.943414753   Monomer2
7   H 3.867602049 -0.375336206 -1.264612649   Monomer2
8   H 2.453295744 -1.445998564 -1.389381355   Monomer2



Monomer 1 energy: -76.162192724532 Eh
Monomer 2 energy: -115.290878785879 Eh
Sum of monomers energy: -191.453071510411 Eh
Dimer energy: -191.465349252819 Eh

Monomer 1 at dimer geometry: -115.290878793717 Eh
Monomer 2 at dimer geometry: -76.162192727048 Eh
Sum of monomers at dimer geometry energy: -191.45307152076498 Eh

Monomer 1 at dimer geometry with dimer basis: -115.29491810198 Eh
Monomer 2 at dimer geometry with dimer basis: -76.163483336908 Eh
Sum of monomers at dimer geometry with dimer basis: -191.45840143888802 Eh
counterpoise_corr: 3.344574118169517 kcal/mol

Uncorrected interaction energy: -7.704399681128008 kcal/mol
Corrected interaction energy: -4.359825562958491 kcal/mol

Automatic non-Aufbau calculator

Excited SCF configurations can be tricky to converge to without falling back to the ground-state. While various different algorithms have recently been suggested in the literature to help locating such excited SCF configurations, often the methods are only available in specific QM codes. The STEP algorithm by Carter-Fenk and Herbert is a much simpler algorithm and can be used with any QM program with level-shifting implemented (a common SCF convergence aid). The idea is simply to choose to change the MO occupation as desired (e.g. swap the HOMO and LUMO orbitals) and then choose a specific levelshift and hopefully converge to the desired SCF configuration. The levelshift is chosen based on the occupied-virtual orbital-energy gap together with an extra parameter, epsilon (0.1 by default).

ASH allows one to utilize the STEP algorithm in a convenient way together with ORCA (only QM-program supported so far) using the AutoNonAufbau function.

def AutoNonAufbau(fragment=None, theory=None, num_occ_orbs=1, num_virt_orbs=3, spinset=[0], stability_analysis_GS=False,
                                TDDFT=False, epsilon=0.1, maxiter=500, manual_levelshift=None):

AutoNonAufbau options:



Default value



ASH Fragment


ASH Fragment object.


ASH Theory


An ASH theory level. Currently only ORCATheory is supported.




Number of occupied orbitals to include the in orbital rotation procedure. A value of 3 would include the HOMO, HOMO-1 and HOMO-2




Number of virtual orbitals to include the in orbital rotation procedure. A value of 3 would include the LUMO, LUMO+1 and LUMO+2




What spin manifold to use. Alpha: [0] or Beta: [1] or Both: [0,1]




Whether to do TDDFT on the ground-state in order to select orbitals to rotate. Experimental feature




The value of the epsilon parameter in the STEP algorithm.




Maximum number of ORCA SCF iterations.




Manual levelshift instead of the automatic levelshift (based on the gap and epsilon parameter)

How to use:

One reads in an ASH fragment, an ORCATheory object and optionally specifies how many occupied and virtual orbitals, what spin manifold to use etc. ASH will then tell ORCA to calculate the ground-state SCF in a first step. ASH will then go through all possible SCF configurations that involve the highest-energy occupied MOs and the lowest-energy virtual MOs based on the user selection, rotate the respective occupied and virtual orbital pair (e.g. the HOMO and LUMO+1), apply a levelshift based on the orbital-energy gap and the epsilon parameter (0.1 Eh by default) and then attempt to converge the SCF for each possible guess configuration.

Example: Finding excited SCF states of the water molecule.

from ash import *
frag=Fragment(databasefile="h2o.xyz", charge=0, mult=1)

orcacalc=ORCATheory(orcasimpleinput="! UHF def2-QZVPPD usesym")

AutoNonAufbau(theory=orcacalc, fragment=frag, num_occ_orbs=2, num_virt_orbs=16, spinset=[0])


                                        #                       #
                                        #     AutoNonAufbau     #
                                        #                       #

Spin orbital sets to choose: [0]
Number of occupied orbitals allowed in MO swap: 2
Number of virtual orbitals allowed in MO swap: 16
Total number of states: 32
TDDFT: False
stability_analysis_GS: False
Epsilon: 0.1
manual_levelshift: None
Cleaning up old ORCA files
Now doing initial state SCF calculation
Energy:  -76.06701160263
Now running excited state SCF no. 0 with multiplicity: 1 and spinset 0
Simple MO selection scheme
homo_lumo_gap: -0.5747076804099635
Will rotate orbital 4 (HOMO) and orbital 5
lshift: 0.6747076804099634
Now doing SCF calculation with rotated MOs and levelshift
Energy:  -75.835914096332
GS/ES state energy gap: 6.29 eV
Found something different than ground state
Converged SCF energy higher than ground-state SCF. Found new excited state SCF solution !

Now running excited state SCF no. 1 with multiplicity: 1 and spinset 0
Simple MO selection scheme
homo_lumo_gap: -0.58996231689521
Will rotate orbital 4 (HOMO) and orbital 6
lshift: 0.6899623168952099
Now doing SCF calculation with rotated MOs and levelshift
Energy:  -75.771691604422
GS/ES state energy gap: 8.04 eV
Found something different than ground state
Converged SCF energy higher than ground-state SCF. Found new excited state SCF solution !
Now running excited state SCF no. 2 with multiplicity: 1 and spinset 0
Simple MO selection scheme
homo_lumo_gap: -0.6157346044574922
Will rotate orbital 4 (HOMO) and orbital 7
lshift: 0.7157346044574922
Now doing SCF calculation with rotated MOs and levelshift
Energy:  -76.067008807825
GS/ES state energy gap: 0.00 eV
GS/ES state energy gap smaller than 0.04 eV. Presumably found the original SCF again.

The final output will print a list of all the states found.

Ground-state SCF energy: -76.06701160263 Eh
Excited state index: 0
Spin multiplicity: 1
Excited-state SCF energy 0: -75.835914096332 Eh
Excited-state SCF transition energy: 6.29 eV
Excited-state SCF orbital rotation: Occ:[4] Virt:[5]
Rotation in spin manifold:  [0]
Excited-state SCF HOMO-LUMO gap: -0.5747076804099635 Eh (-15.638599999999999) eV:
Excited-state SCF Levelshift chosen: 0.6747076804099634
Excited state index: 1
Spin multiplicity: 1
Excited-state SCF energy 1: -75.771691604422 Eh
Excited-state SCF transition energy: 8.04 eV
Excited-state SCF orbital rotation: Occ:[4] Virt:[6]
Rotation in spin manifold:  [0]
Excited-state SCF HOMO-LUMO gap: -0.58996231689521 Eh (-16.0537) eV:
Excited-state SCF Levelshift chosen: 0.6899623168952099
Excited state index: 2
Spin multiplicity: 1
Excited-state SCF energy 2: -76.067008807825 Eh
Excited-state SCF transition energy: 0.00 eV
Excited-state SCF orbital rotation: Occ:[4] Virt:[7]
Rotation in spin manifold:  [0]
Excited-state SCF HOMO-LUMO gap: -0.6157346044574922 Eh (-16.755) eV:
Excited-state SCF Levelshift chosen: 0.7157346044574922

ORCA outputfiles and GBW files for each state is kept and can be inspected or used for future calculations.

  • orca_GS.out

  • orca_GS.gbw

  • orcaES_SCF0_mult1_spinset0.out

  • orcaES_SCF0_mult1_spinset0.gbw

  • orcaES_SCF1_mult1_spinset0.out

  • orcaES_SCF1_mult1_spinset0.gbw

  • orcaES_SCF2_mult1_spinset0.out

  • orcaES_SCF2_mult1_spinset0.gbw